
la estética de 4ad y 23 envelope

23 Envelope mirrored Cocteau Twins’ huge pools of reverb with a silver-metal pool of ripples (inspired by a key scene in Andrei Tarkovsky’s 1979 film Stalker) and a fish disappearing, stage right, from the photo. ‘That was a mackerel,’ Nigel Grierson explains, ‘in coloured ink, in a bath of water, into which we’d thrown flower petals. Everyone at 4AD went nuts over the image, and from there, we were directing operations more, trying to create a connection between the music and the visuals,Yet Guthrie again didn’t find 23 Envelope’s choices suited his own image of the band. ‘Some of Nigel’s other photos were joyous and beautiful but the one they chose was dark, dull and ugly. We’d say what we didn’t like, but they still did what they wanted. We had this joke, that Vaughan put fishes on everything, and we’d say, “No fish!” So I think he’d put it on there to piss us off. But I liked the Sunburst And Snowblind cover.’
Martin Aston, Facing the Other Way.

Al minuto 52 de este documental pueden ver al diseñador y al fotógrafo hablando de la portada de Head over Heels y de peces, mientras Liz Fraser no puede evitar reír. El resto de ese documental es más un pretexto para presumir videos de 4AD.

2 comentarios:

Juan dijo...

Me interesa mucho y el link me aparece roto. ¿sabes de otro? No he logrado encontrarlo replicado. Gracias!

Nicolás Díaz dijo...

Aquí puedo ver el video; a veces se puede ver en una región y está bloqueado en otras. Revisaré si lo tienen en otro sitio que no sea YouTube.