
cambiándole la letra a leonard cohen

Desconozco las causas de esa práctica, pero es real: uno escucha una canción de Cohen y dan ganas de cambiarle la letra.

Quedan para la historia regional de la infamia "Yo soy tu acá" y "¿Quién por huevos?", mis lamentables versiones de "I'm Your Man" y "Who by Fire". Pero ella me ganó de calle:

“Who by Fire” ...this is a song that becomes almost unlistenable with one subtle change: imagine you don't know the title or lyrics and merely replace each intonation of "who" with the word it really sounds like—"poo."

Poo in your merry merry month of May
Poo by very slow decay
Poo by barbiturate
Poo by avalanche
Poo by powder
Poo by accident
Poo in this mirror
Poo by His Lady's command
Poo by his own hand
And Poo, shall I say, is calling?
Top Ten Funniest Leonard Cohen Songs.

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