
will eisner (1917-2005)

El pasado 3 de enero murió a los 87 años Will Eisner, el "padre de la novela gráfica" (de hecho, él acuñó ese término). Algunos de los comics más sonados de los últimos años, como la serie Persépolis de Marjane Satrapi, o el Sr. Jean de Dupuy y Berberian serían inimaginables sin el antecedente de Eisner.

I told Will, when we were walking, that even when I stopped reading comics I read The Spirit, and I told him that it was his Spirit stories that had left me wanting to write comics, and that the Sandman, like the Spirit, was conceived as a machine for telling stories.
Neil Gaiman.

Right from the beginning, he (Eisner) saw comics as art. He didn't have any compunction about it. He wasn't apologetic. He didn't have that 'yeah, sorry, I draw comics' kind of attitude that almost every other artist at the time did.
Michael Chabon.

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